Submission Form

Programmatic use cases for an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) reflect the information needs and uses in response to state early childhood priorities. Developing a Use Case involves refining the specific key programmatic policy questions, guiding data cross-agency data integration, and designing analytic reporting tools.

Having a programmatic use case facilitates discussions with agency leadership and communities of interest by:

  • Articulating the information needs of intended users.

  • Aligning policy questions with decisions and actions.

  • Preparing the program team to engage with the technical design team.

  • Prioritizing data elements that are needed across data systems.

  • Identifying the actions taken based on the information needs.

  • Communicating outcomes to executive leaders to align with state priorities.

Please use this form to provide as much information as is available.

The ECDataWorks team will contact you to confirm all fields before the Use Case is added to the repository.

If you have any questions, contact Phil Sirinides at: