Understanding an ECIDS
ECDataWorks has collaborated with state partners to develop openly-available resources to improve delivery of ECIDS
Resources related to Understanding an ECIDS
Leveraging Early Childhood Data for Better Decision Making
Staffing ECIDS leadership roles (ECIDS Lead, IT Lead, and Research or Analytics Lead) are critical to successful implementation of an ECIDS, yet states struggle to secure people in these positions with relevant expertise. This brief specifically concentrates on leadership staffing needed for ECIDS implementation.
In 2022,ECDataWorks conducted a nationwide study to assess the state capacity for implementing an ECIDS. This brief is one in a series of informative briefs aimed at assisting state leaders in making well-informed decisions regarding the necessary resources to build and maintain the capacity for ECIDS implementation.
Stepping Up for Early Childhood Education
The impact of early childhood education is undeniable. Recent studies indicate that programs for children under five can significantly decrease special education placement and grade retention, close achievement gaps, and increase high school graduation rates. States see this value too: Forty-three states and the District of Columbia provide state-funded preschool, serving nearly 1.5 million children. Yet access to high-quality early education across the country remains uneven, and many children still enter elementary school unprepared. The new issue of NASBE’s award-winning journal, The State Education Standard, explores ways state policymakers can ensure all children have a strong start.
Do Your Analytics Deserve a Gold Star? Appropriately Defining ECIDS Success
[Blog] Simply providing data won't lead to change. But how do we know if an ECIDS – and the analytics reported from it – are actually informing policy and practice?