Creating ECIDS Use Cases
ECDataWorks has collaborated with state partners to develop openly-available resources to improve delivery of ECIDS
Creating ECIDS Use Cases
School Readiness Tool
ECDataWorks developed the Expanded School Readiness Framework to help states explore the preparedness of schools, communities, and children. Expanded school readiness reports allow for tracking progress toward state school readiness goals and inform decisions such as: identifying needs for teachers, programs, and classrooms; identifying best practices and improve instruction in specific domains; developing strategies for collaborating across schools and community providers to prepare for incoming kindergartners; allocating funding for early childhood programs and school districts; and establishing strategies to engage parents.
Community Assessment Tool
ECDataWorks developed the Community Assessment Framework to guide states in the integration and use of early childhood data across four key areas: eligibility, access, services, and impact. Tools and reports that align with this framework can support early childhood providers, advocates, state administrators, and policymakers with strategic planning.
Data Story Builder
ECDataWorks developed the Data Story Framework to guide states in bringing together comprehensive data and informing action steps. The framework includes four key elements: conclusions, narrative, visuals, and key takeaways.
Resources related to Creating ECIDS Use Cases
Leveraging Early Childhood Data for Better Decision Making
States have developed early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDS) to address the challenges. An ECIDS "collects, integrates, maintains, stores, and reports information from early childhood programs across multiple agencies within a state that serve children and families from birth to age 8." Across the country, at least 37 states are working toward developing ECIDS. A handful have operational systems. North Carolina has prioritized work on its system to provide researchers with data aimed at informing policy and practice conversations. Minnesota created a public portal that makes early childhood program data available, and state staff are now working with local practitioners to develop uses for the data. After more than a decade of work across the country in building ECIDS, it is time to match the technical tools with nontechnical capacity building: learning to use evidence to better serve children and families.
Stepping Up for Early Childhood Education
The impact of early childhood education is undeniable. Recent studies indicate that programs for children under five can significantly decrease special education placement and grade retention, close achievement gaps, and increase high school graduation rates. States see this value too: Forty-three states and the District of Columbia provide state-funded preschool, serving nearly 1.5 million children. Yet access to high-quality early education across the country remains uneven, and many children still enter elementary school unprepared. The new issue of NASBE’s award-winning journal, The State Education Standard, explores ways state policymakers can ensure all children have a strong start.
Early Childhood Data Use in a Post-COVID Nation
In recent years, America has seen a renaissance in early childhood data use. New tools have been built, new strategies have emerged, more states and stakeholders have realized the potential of a strong early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS).
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Federal Investment in Early Childhood Data Systems
Early Childhood Integrated Data Analytic Self-Assessment Rubric
ECDataWorks Programmatic Use Case for the Development of an Analytic Tool